James Brown

Man's World

James Brown

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The verse vamps from Dm to Am. The Chorus hits Gm7 to A7  
Then you're back to the top. 
  |Dm / Am / | Dm / Am / | 
  Vamp over Verse..... 
           | Gm7 / / / | A7 / / /  
this is a    Man's....   But.... 
Rinse and repeat 
You see, man made the cars 
That take us over the road. 
Man made the train... 
To carry the heavy load. 
Man made the electric light 
To take us out of the dark. 
Man made the boat for the water 
Like ({live version}"they say") Noah made the Ark. 
This is a man's man's man's world, 
but it wouldn't be nothing. 
without a woman or a girl. 
Man thinks about the little bitty baby girls and the baby boys 
Man makes them happy, cause man makes them toys 
And after man makes everything, everything he can 
You know that man makes money to buy from other men. 
This is a man's man's man's world, 
but it wouldn't be nothing. 
without a woman or a girl.

Enviado por: Nat Funk

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