Lisa Ekdahl

I will be blessed

Lisa Ekdahl

Composição de (Salvadore Poe)
Cifras para viola Nível expert
[Intro: ]G#7M G7/5+ F#7/13 F7/13 Fm7 A#7/9 
          D#7+/9  Fm7 
I will be blessed 
          Gm7     Fm7 
I will be blessed 
  A#7/9   D#7+/9  Fm7 
I will be blessed 
          Gm7     A#7 
I will be blessed 
If the sun 
  G7/9/4         G7 
Refused to shine 
Down on me 
          F7        F7/5- 
'Till the end of time 
          G#7M    G7/5+  Cm7/9 
As long as i have your caress 
     F7/13 Fm7 
Your tenderness 
I will be blessed 
If the stars 
  G7/9/4         G7 
Refused their light 
Just for me 
            F7         F7/5- 
They stayed out of sight 
       G#7M    G7/5+   Cm7/9 
If you say you love me best 
  F7/13      Fm7 
I won't care less  
I will be blessed 
       D#7+/9     Fm7       Gm7 
If the wind won't blow your name 
 F#º      Fm7 
Until i'm still 
  A#7/13 A#7/5+ 
I will 
        D#7+/9    Fm7   Gm7 
If it's whispered from above 
    F#º     Fm7 
The highest hill 
I will 
If the moon 
  G7/9/4      G7 
Up in the sky 
Turned its face 
         F7         F7/5- 
From the lonely eye 
        G#7M  G7/5+ Cm7/9 
I could never be distressed 
   F7/13    Fm7 
Or love you less 
I will be blessed 
Contribuição: Kenshin([email protected])

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