Song-More Of That Jazz Album-Jazz Band-Queen Key- HH=High Hat(X=Closed x=open) BD=Base Drum *X=hit open then quickly close S S X/x= hit softly S SS SS S S S SS SS S SD|-x-xx-xx-*X-x-*X-x-|-x-xx-xx-*X--x-x-x--| BD|-O--O--O---O-------|-O--O--O----O-------| Song is sort of hard to play. Many High Hats are used between every Bass Drumm! Practice! Tabbed By Sorin Emanoil Chereji A.K.A-Sorinito (yuck!) BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH!
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