

Don't Tread On Me
Composição de (James Hetfield/Lars Ulrich)
Rhy. Fig 1---------------------------------------------------------------| 
12/8 time  
p.m. -| p.m. -| p.m. ------| (cont muting pattern) 
Rhy. Fig. 2 
p.m.--| p.m.---| p.m.-----| (sim.) 
(end Rhy Fig 2) w/Rhy Fig 2 (2x) 
Riff A w/slide 
Don't tread on me 
(end Riff A) Rhy Fig 3 
Liberty or... 
(end Rhy Fig 3) w/Rhy Fig 2 
Never begins... 
w/Rhy Fig 2 (1st 2 bars only) 
...rage. Say,  
Rhy Fig 4 
don't tread on me So be it 
(end Rhy Fig 4) 
threaten no more to secure peace war 
w/Rhy Fig 4 (1st 3 bars only) 
w/Rhy Fig 2 & Riff A 
--------------------| |-------------------- Guitar Solo 
| |2. FINE|w/Rhy Fig 2 (2x) 
| | 6/8 time 12/8 time 
Don't tread on me! 
F F F 
1/2 1/2 
F F F F F F F 2 
F H P P H P P P H P 
H P ph P p h P ph H P 
H F F 
w/Rhy Fig 4  
So be it threaten... to secure peace ...war 
w/Rhy Fig 3 F 1/2 F 
Liberty or... 
1/2 1/2 1/2 
F F F D.S. (take 2nd ending) al Fine 
||------------------------|-----------------| ^^^ 
||-14^--14^---14^---12---|-------------9---| What this means is go back to  
||-14^--14^---14^---12---|---------7/9-----| the repeat, take 2nd ending 
||------------------------|-----------------| again, and then stop at Fine. 
tail. So be it, 
Contribuição: José Gustavo Albanez Pires([email protected])

Enviado por: anônimo

Corrigido por: sem correções